60days chocolate – Vietnamese heritage flavor developed from wholehearted respect and sustainable commitment


What empowers Puratos to pursue our passion in the research and development of 60DAYS chocolate is the RESPECTS for Forest-Fruit-Farmers (3F)

- Forest: at Puratos Grand-Palace, we respect Mother Nature - the gentle land of Ben Tre that bears old alluvium, the tranquil environment and specific soil characteristics.

- Fruit: we treasure every cocoa bean through a connected process: 4 days of slow roasting, 7 days of natural fermentation, and 14 days of drying, absorbing the essence of earth and sky.

- Farmers: accompanying cocoa farmers in Cacao Trace, we cherish them as well as their blood, sweat, and tears, quietly nurturing and preserving the values of Vietnamese cocoa.


Cacao Trace Fresh Certificate, the next level of CACAO-TRACE, is a proud landmark of 60DAYS on the journey of building and sharing values, increasing benefits for Vietnamese cocoa growers.

- Build values:

Elevate cocoa flavor thanks to a bean classification, fermentation, drying, and roasting process closely controlled and monitored under strict guidelines.

In CACAO-TRACE Fresh, the process “from farm to chocolate” is locally connected and transition time is minimized to prevent the decrease in flavor’s freshness.

- Share values:

Chocolate Bonus: with per kilo of chocolate sold, €0.10 goes directly back to the cocoa farming communities we work with. We also provide cocoa farmers with training and premium pricing.


1. Commitment to farmers:

- Increase cocoa production & purchasing prices

- Diversify income & educate for farmers new farming techniques

- Sponsor infrastructures & aim for no longer using child labor

2. Commitment to planet:

- Stop deforestation due to cocoa cultivation

- Agroforestry: combined plantations of cocoa, wood & fruit trees

3. Commitment to customers

- Unique premium chocolate flavor with taste insurance

- Green manufactures are guaranteed by plenty of certifications and complex QA-QC process

4. Commitment to consumers

- Focus on sustainable growth

- PGPI is audited transparently and has achieved many prestigious certificates of quality

- Pioneering businesses working directly with the farmers